Friday, December 4, 2009

How it all started

So, here's what's happening. I'm not a jack of all trades, but I am good at a few things: drinking wine, turning people off with my sarcasm, winning them over once they realize im not a heinous bitch and telling stories. Which I will unveil shortly-don't you worry. I've done enough embarrassing things and seen some shit that most people don't even dream of.

First though, a little about myself. Graduated in '09 from a school mixed with over-achieving young jews, huge black men and more sorority girls you could shake a roofie at... it was a mixed bag. And you'd think hailing from the longest island, i'd fit right in but not cigar.. i ended up having a roommate named after japanese food (she was russian, very confusing) and accidentally gaining 40 lbs when it was jsut supposed to be 15. woops. i also thought it woudl be a great idea to join rugby.. which was great at first but 90 ppl mistaking me for a lesbian later- i was over it.. you'll see later on that joining that team may have been the funniest choice of my life.

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